Masaya Great Danes

Masaya Great Danes
Breeding for Balance, Beauty, Health, and Temperament

Monday, December 22, 2008

catch Up

I had a few more things I needed to blog about during this last week, but have been too busy. I thought I would catch up really quick.
Friday we had a relatively warm day, so I rushed home after work and put up the small x-pen outside. Puppies got to be outside for about an hour or so. I didn't get any pictures because I was so busy trying to catch up on things that I need to do in the yard while it was warm. The puppies didn't want to be confined and the breeze became cool so I took them in. Black collar and Yellow collar did a little exploring of then yard before they went in. They were the 2 largest so they went in last. I think it was good for them to see the outdoors some. I wish it had been warmer for longer.

The puppies are getting really big and are starting to act a lot bigger. When I am home and they want to play, I let the out of the X-pen to explore the house. Cinders (the dobe) hates it when they try to nurse on her, but other than that all the dogs seem to do well with the pups. With mom and Koty here visiting, there is a lot more to get into. This morning while I was getting ready for work the pups were climbing into my moms bag and taking everything out!

The puppies always "help" me clean their cage. Unfortunately, their idea of help is to attack the trash bag. The brindles are especially bad about playing tug with the trash bag. Everyone likes to walk on the newspaper while I am rolling it up to throw out. The fawn boys, especially Yellow, like to wait until I am just leaving the x-pen to go Pee again. I think he prefers to urinate on the CLEAN newspaper. Cleaning never stops and I always have to go behind the pups with a mop when they are running around the house.

All the pups like the new toys I added to their area. Orange is the natural retriever and carries the green squeaky toy around the most. The others like to play with the toys then move on right now. I am sure that will change as their attention span grows.

Black collar boys seems the happiest about the guests and this morning before I left everyone was asleep but him. He was over at the x-pen door wagging his tail wanting to visit. Mom took him out and gave him to my brother to cuddle with. I am not sure how that turned out. I don't think black wanted to cuddle. I think he wanted to play.

Brindle boy is getting lots of attention. He is Koty's favorite. Likely because Koty knows he is going to be seeing him again later.

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