Masaya Great Danes

Masaya Great Danes
Breeding for Balance, Beauty, Health, and Temperament

Friday, October 1, 2010

Time to Talk

It has been months since my last blog post...I can now finally talk about what happened. The puppies were doing well. They were all healthy and happy. I took them to Texas to get cropped. The crops were beautiful....but 2 never woke up from the procedure. I cried and cried. I will never crop pets again.

The two that lived through the procedure are doing well. Peanut (Blue boy-top) went his new home in Winterpark, FL. Steve and Patti are working with him and teaching him obedience and how to swim (good luck!! :-) ). Heidi (Purple Girl-bottom) stayed here with me in Alabama. She is crazy! She never stops moving. A constant blur of activity! Her housebreaking is coming along (slower than I want though, lol) and she has gone on many outings with me to aid in socialization. Next weekend she will go to her first dog show to watch her big sister Dahlia compete! Go Dahlia!!