Masaya Great Danes

Masaya Great Danes
Breeding for Balance, Beauty, Health, and Temperament

Monday, June 28, 2010

Harley is 47 days along....

Here is a picture of Harley. She is 47 days into her pregnancy at this point. When we took her to the vet for her ultrasound, he said that he saw 3 puppies, but he wasn't going to count....well. I've been assuming that she would only have 3, but......I'm not so sure now.She still has over 2 weeks left in her pregnancy. She is getting so big. Of course that doesn't mean a WHOLE lot. She is so active. I have a hard time keeping her rough-housing. Her favorite game most of the time is to slam dogs into the side of the house. I've been really trying to keep her a little more controlled than that. Afterall, she is in no condition for Ultimate Fighting!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ultrasound Confirmed!

Well, it's official, we will be expecting Harley and Shadow babies around the middle of July. What do you think of a 4th of July theme?? Next mystery....will they all be brindle??? Only time will tell.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Trip to Savannah and Sobering Reminder....

This past memorial day, my husband and I took Harley and Dahlia with us to North Carolina and then to Georgia. We started off at the ruby mines in North Carolina. Dahlia and Harley had a good time visiting with a local (hounddog :) ) and checking out all the new smells. Then we headed south to Savannah, GA. What a beautiful city! After a quick trip to the beach (sadly, dogs couldn't go on the beach), we took the girls for a walk around the city. They drew and crowd and served as wonderful ambassadors. They got to walk along the Savannah River and go on a "Ghost Walk". We had a great time.

One of the most discouraging things about our trip was how unfriendly GA seemed to be concerning the dogs. It seemed like everywhere you went, someone was talking about animal control. These are not friendly times for dog owners. Watch yourselves and guard your pets. Believe it or not, but it seems as if authorities would rather take your dogs out of a loving home and put them to sleep, than not. These laws that are being proposed, and sadly passed in some places around our Nation are sponsored by the Human Society of the United States and PETA who would rather there not be any more pets. They believe that your dog would rather be dead than be owned. These organizations are NO FRIEND TO PETS.